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What is seekXL Snapr?

Snapr is a screenshot service and captures thumbnails of most websites.

Snaprs services free of charge?

seekXL Snapr is free for everyone.

Terms and Conditions!

You can embed the free screenshot service as you like, but you agree not to copy, modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, assign, distribute, perform, display, license, reverse engineer or create derivative works based on the thumbnails available through the sites. Web sites containing illegal, adult or offensive contents are not allowed and it is not permited for unregistered users to change the standard seekXL Snapr standby logo within the thumbnails.

Is it possible to use an own standby logo?

Sure, but you have to register and you are responsible to implement a backlink to seekXL Snapr.

How to implement seekXL Snapr?

Integrating seekXL Snapr into your website is very simple. Please use the following code for your screenshots:

The snippet <url> represents the Url of the website and <size> the size of the thumbnail.

The following sizes are possible:

<img src="">

Important: The Screenshot URL for the parameter "url=" should always be encoded.

Try it now!

Enter the URL and finally click "Snapr!". Usually it needs some seconds for recent websites. If so, try again in few minutes.

Snapr Addons und Plugins

Tooltip Baloon v2.0.2 with Lightbox-JS Support

The Tooltip Baloon attaches a small window with the requested screenshot, when you pass your mouse over a external link (Example).

The plugin has the ability to automatically detect Lightbox-JS and adds a small lens in the right bottom corner for a full preview as you known by Lightbox-JS.

Download seekXL Snapr Tooltip Baloon v2.0.2

Simply download the archive, unpack it and update your html with the example below:

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" 
  <body onload="enableTooltips()">
    <a href="" size="M">Link</a>

Important: The folder /seekxl in the archive must located inside the webroot.

Registered user may add the key for its standby logo in the body tag onload="enableTooltips('123456').

Wordpress plugin v2.0.3

The Wordpress plugin by Tim Zylinski (ZyBlog) attaches a tooltip with a screenshot of the linktarget to every external link.

The plugin languages are at the moment english, german and italian. The plugin can be easily translated into other languages.

Download seekXL Snapr Wordpress Plugin v2.0.3

How does seekXL Snapr work?

At this time there is 1 server for delivery and 8 clients (PC/Mac or Linux) for thumbnail creation.

Live Terminal
[18/04/2024 23:15:51] Snapshot created successfully by server
[18/04/2024 23:17:01] Snapshot created successfully by server
[18/04/2024 23:19:31] Snapshot created successfully by server
[18/04/2024 23:20:00] Snapshot created successfully by server
[18/04/2024 23:20:48] Snapshot created successfully by server

Trouble with Snapr?

If you have trouble with seekXL Snapr, please contact the Technical Support unit at Mail or visit our seekXL Forum (german only).

Please consider the following before you contact us:

  • Javascript will not be performed.
  • The only supported plugin is Adobe Flash.
  • Meta-Tags are not allowed for redirects.
Delivered Thumbnails

154.247.469 Snaprs
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